What About Me? 

I know I know I haven’t posted for a while, I’ve been super busy with a few projects going so blogging has taken a bit of a backseat, but, I’m going to try and post at least once a week/fortnight. I’ve still managed to squeeze in some golf and golf practice along the way (yay me!). Anyways I thought maybe the people who read my blog might want to know a little more about me and what I do besides being a strong, in-your-face, militant golf lover *flicks hair in a sassy manner*. Well sit back and grab the popcorn because my life is just a riot, haha just kidding, but seriously get popcorn because popcorn is delicious! 

One thing you’ve probably seen me mention on occasion is that I’m super busy, like always, I work approximately an hour (each way) commute from home, I run, now, not one but two businesses from home and I parent 1 very cheeky Beaglier puppy named Yogi. I was a junior accountant and decided that accounting wasn’t for me but have managed to stick around in the industry regardless of my protest against it *sigh*. My boss keeps telling me to just make peace with the fact that I’m an accountant at heart, I’m not, I refuse to be. I do work in an accounting firm but my job title is “Practice Coordinator” I basically manage the small office we work in and occasionally dabble in accounting work. Though it is highly stressful at times I’ve basically been adopted by my boss into his family so I guess I’ll perservre (haha!). 

One of my businesses I run is bookkeeping, I manage a small group of client’s book work and consider myself a specialist in MYOB and Cloud accounting softwares. I enjoy this part of my work, I love learning new things about how it all works and I get a variety of different clients. I have learnt a little about nearly every industry you can think of, some people do some fascinating work! 

My second at home business in partnership with my boyfriend, Corey, is the project that has been keeping us occupied the last couple of weeks. It is very exciting as it is something we are passionate about and watching it take shape and start to grow has been incredible so far. I can only see good things for it in the future. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you would have seen me sharing “Gripped Clothing”! We start our own clothing label! I know it’s crazy! If you haven’t already head over to the Facebook page and give it a like, share it around. What’s even more exciting is the golf wear we will be bringing out! We are aiming to provide a brand that is a fresh-take in fashion on and off the course. Corey and I grew tired of trying to find golf clothes that are affordable and look good and so Gripped was born and I can’t wait for the world to see it! Our website will be launched by the end of this month, keep up to date by liking our Facebook page 👍
Another thing you guys probably don’t know about me (or maybe you do?) I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan, like huge! I could watch or read Harry Potter anything, any day, any time. My partner knows this, whenever he gets me a gift it is usually HP related which ensues for him massive gratification and kudos for knowing me so well! So there you have it, ever want to see an instantaneous smile from me, Harry Potter. Just Harry Potter. 

Another few small things I LOVE:

  • Coffee
  • Puppies
  • Art
  • The Block (Trash TV Renovation Show)
  • Roast Lamb
  • Cooking 
  • Golf (duh!)
  • Dancing (the spontaneous in the kitchen sort)
  • Reading 

So that’s me in a blogshell (get it, it’s like nutshell… But a blog… Shell… Ahh I’m so funny). Reading back looks like a lot of my life revolves around work but I do manage to squeeze in a lot of the things I love and I get to spend time with the people (and dog) I love most and for that I am super greateful! 

Until the next Birdie (*cough* double Bogey *cough*) keep on golfing 😉
– little K


The many faces of me – stolen from the Instagram page of @coreycassidy

How do you spend your days off? 

Well last week in one word was errmmm exhausting. For those who don’t know me I am the practice coordinator/office manager/accountant/bookkeeper/whatever I need to be at a midtier  accounting firm in Sydney’s CBD and to say it is challenging would be an understatement! Come Friday afternoon all I wanted to do was have a relaxing weekend at home and play a little golf but when could it ever be so simple? 

Getting home late Friday night meant my weekend was almost over before it even begun. Saturday morning we cleaned out the back for our puppy and fixed the fencing so he would have a bigger area to play in. Unfortunately we didn’t do a great job cleaning up and resulted in a $1,000 vetinarian bill and one sick little puppy! Apparently my dog will eat anything and everything. Whatever it was he decided to snack on got stuck in his stomach. Fear not he was perfectly fine the next morning though drowsy from the anaesthetic, plain diet of chicken and rice for the next couple of days and he will be right as rain! 

Sleepy puppy after his big night in hospital

Ok so during the week I got some pretty exciting news in terms of golfing! I asked a girl (who also blogs) from the land of Stars and Stripes if she would be up for a blog style interview for my blog and she said (get this!) “I would love too!” We both have similar views of wanting to grow the game in young females and getting golf out of the stigma of being a “men’s” sport. Saying I’m excited about this would not be doing my crazy happy dance any justice! Keep your eyes out on my future blogs to check out her profile 😉 
Since I worked a crazy amount of hours last week, I got to have today (Monday!) off! Since rain got in the way of any Sunday golf I got all my house work done which left today completely free to do with what I wanted *shocked emoji here*, I know that never happens so I made the best of it. 

This morning was a “workout” at the driving range. You honestly don’t realise how many muscles your body has until you play golf. I would like to take credit for hitting on point but I have to say a special thank you/shout out to Luke O’Carrigan for giving me some easy to follow tips and improving my strike rate immensely! Luke is a trainee Golf Professional at Wentworth Falls Golf Club… Definitely someone to keep your eye out for, one of the friendliest, happiest and helpful people I’ve met in this game.
Corey and I played 9 holes after our workout, without keeping score just because we couldn’t let this beautiful day go to waste. Have I mentioned there’s no better way to compliment Mother Nature than to play a round of golf? I finished the day off with a PT session at my new gym and my trainer was amazing, really looking forward to focusing on my my game and my health and fitness in the next few months (watch this space!) 
Happy Monday everyone! I hope your week started out as great as mine 🙂 

Cheeky 9 holes @ Springwood Country Golf Club

On my way to the driving range this morning. 

Weekend Warrior 

Today was shaping up to be nothing short of par-fection, until I got on the course that is! I don’t know what it was but something was off in my swing and the golfing gods decided to take that in their stride and make a mockery of everything I’ve learnt so far. Not to mention my temper may have got the better of me on a few holes (oops!)

I started this glorious morning off with a delicious berry smoothie bowl (see recipe below) and took a look outside and almost died, forgive me for the complete cliché for a moment but I’m just going to say how beautiful today was, the sun, the blue skies, the slight breeze (sighs) such poetic weather for a Sunday. There’s no better way to compliment Mother Nature than getting out on the course for a round of golf (I’m telling you, there’s no better way). Following breakfast we went on a little walk with this cutie:

Yogi the Beaglier loves golf, by “loves golf” I mean he loves to chase my front yard practice chips and tries to eat my clubs whenever I have a practice swing in the living room. 

After our walk we went and had a quick bite to eat at Frangos chargrilled chicken (if you’re from Penrith and haven’t been here – WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!). While at lunch I had a quick brainstorming session about “how can I get interest amongst girls in the area that golf isn’t just a game for boys?” Anyways I thought maybe a charity day involving champagne and prizes? There’s a lot of details to figure out but it’s something I’m passionate about combined with something I love, so just a little project to work on over the next couple of months.

Que tee off time and arrive at Springwood Golf Club, as mentioned earlier what a beautiful day! One of the things I love about golf is the sense of community, everyone waves hello to each other, gives a little tip of the hat, it’s rare in this day and age. I was immediately put off at the first tee when there was 4 young guys playing up behind us, I always crack under pressure and rush my shots. We let them play through us so I didn’t feel so anxious about my play but I still rushed through the game and it showed horrendously on the score card hitting 63 on the front nine (cries hysterically). Even my favourite par 3 was not having it. All in all though I didn’t have a great day on the course, it just “drives” me to want to do better, to achieve more. Here is my new list of goals:

  • Work on slowing down my backswing 
  • Putting practice (lots of it!) if anyone has any practice drills they swear by please help me! 
  • Remember to brush off the bad swings/holes/putts and relax 

To finish off here is a picture of me on the course today:

Success in Golf depends on less strength of body and more on stength of mind and character – Arnold Palmer 



1 1/2 cups Almond Milk

1 cup Frozen Mixed Berries

1 Banana 

1 packet Uncle Toby’s Quick Oats

170g Chobani Greek Yoghurt Strawberry

Toppings: Shredded Coconut, Black and White Chia Seeds and Roasted Almonds (you can use anything you like, extra berries, sliced banana) 


1. Soak oats in 1 cup of almond milk for 10 minutes 

2. Blend together frozen berries, banana, yoghurt and remaining almond milk

3. Add the oats and blend again – add extra almond milk if you’d prefer it smoother 

4. Pour into a bowl and add your toppings of choice 

5. Take a photo for Instagram and tag #grippedgirl so I can see your lovely creations! 

Until next weekend

– Little K xoxo

Blog No. 1

I have spent a bit of time recently thinking to myself that I really wished I was passionate enough about something that I could write and write and write about it for days on end. Then I realised I spend the other bit of my time wishing I was playing golf instead of doing whatever it was I’m supposed to have my attention focused on. So after some lengthy consideration, immense research (by immense I mean I actually Googled “how to start a blog”) and all in a single train trip here I am world! A 24 year old, female, just making my way through the blogging world and my topic of choice is: golf.


Now I know what you’re thinking (I lie, I have no idea what you’re thinking, but I’m sure it goes a little something like this…) “oh golf is for old retirees with nothing better to do with their time and investment bankers who want to discuss how many BMWs they purchased this week” well, well, well let me stop you right there my friend! Golf happens to be the only sport that I’ve played and gained enough interest in for it to be constantly on my mind so that’s saying something for a sport!


So why is it a struggle? (que violin playing here) I’M SO ALONE! *sobs hysterically* No one and I mean NO ONE, my age who is of the female orientation is even slightly interested in playing this wonderful and glorious sport. Caution: I tend to over exaggerate things occasionally. I found a girl, after sone lengthy social media stalking sessions, that plays golf, who is actually really good at golf, who isn’t over 55 and is unfortunately  interstate. I am hoping my blog will reach out to other girls who play or want to play. I am by no means any good at the sport though I love that I am improving and I love that I can at least share my interest with my partner and grandparents.


I will be blogging about my experiences as a beginner golfer, my fitness, possibly some food and you will definitely hear about my dog a.k.a the love of my life. If anything maybe just follow for a laugh.


Thanks for reading!

– K xo

Me and my boyfriend at Springwood Golf Course a couple of weeks ago